Update 2024-02-29: We are shutting down CheapCheapLah. See this comment for more information.
Original Post
Perhaps it's already a common knowledge amongst some, but I feel we still need a public announcement. After launching our New Zealand website back in 2014, we have started another website, Cheap Cheap Lah(cheapcheaplah.com), that aims to be the "Singapore-equivalent of OzBargain".
Again due to "popular demand". It was asked last year, and the year before. In fact when I checked my old emails, I have been asked about Singapore opportunity as far back as 2009. CheapCheapLah.com was a domain that I purchased in 2010 thinking maybe it would be a future possibility. Due to lots of procrastination, we have finally made it online at the beginning of the year.
I have only been to Singapore twice — 15 years ago for work, and 30 years ago as a tourist :) Comparing to New Zealand, it's quite a bit of hurdle learning how things work over there. Perhaps some OzBargaining Singaporean would like to help out?
We are closing down CheapCheapLah at the end of February 2024
Here's an announcement I've just made(cheapcheaplah.com) at CheapCheapLah. The link will be dead at the end of the month so here's the copy:
Long time no post, and here's an update on the last day of the year of Rabbit. We will be closing down CheapCheapLah at the end of February 2024 due to lack of activities. Website and social media profiles will be removed and domain will be parked and/or redirect to announcements on our other sites.
CheapCheapLah was launched almost 8 years ago due to requests from the Australian expat community and Singaporeans coming back from Australia. They all want something like OzBargain in Singapore, so we contemplated providing one. Initially we thought we'll just build a platform to facilitate bargain hunters in Singapore to share and discover deals and promotions, and the community will gradually grow, similar to what we have in Australia and New Zealand(cheapies.nz).
However the reality is far from "build it and they will come", as community building is far more that just tech stack and engineering. After almost 8 years, thousands of deals (posted mostly by @JSQUARED(cheapcheaplah.com) and @neil(cheapcheaplah.com)) and lots of time invested in keeping the site updated — there's still no traction. No one else has been posting deals, let alone having a community of bargain hunters helping each other to find the best deals.
So we decided that it's time to switch off the site and call it a day. We (Delvu Media in Australia) would have one less website to worry about, and maybe a local team can step up to provide what's missing here.